Tuesday, December 9, 2008

They Shot Bob Marley Outside The Dakota By Mikel K

"When you think all is lost, the future remains."--Robert H. Goddard, Rocket Scientist

"My greatest talent is in my ability to choose good friends. It's about as important as things get."--Hunter S. Thompson

I’m waiting for the agent from the big time to contact me and say that I suck. He said that he would contact me soon, to let me know what he thought of my work.

He hasn’t.

If he says that I suck, I won’t shoot myself; I will just get up off the floor, dust myself off and start the search for the next agent to send my book to. I won’t stop until I find the agent that believes in me, the one that believes in me, like I believe in me.

--Mikel K


AnOnLineQuery: Have you written any poetry today?

Freedom Was A Whore
Freedom was a whore.
I abused her.
I misused her.
I confused her with
something else.
I neglected her.
I bet that she would
be there for me forever.

Freedom just walked away.

Nothing is private;
let's do it in public.

“I feel the pressure of temptation, though I’m trying to do good, each and every day.”



They Shot Bob Marley Outside The Dakota

They shot Bob Marley outside The Dakota the day that John Lennon rose from the dead.

Jimi Hendrix sat at the head of the table while Jim Morrison read the prayer.

When they finished the final supper, Janis Joplin began to sing. Kurt Cobain started to cry, while he walked on water.

Charles Bukowski looked up from a game of poker that he was playing with angels, lit his cigar and smiled.

You Run I Hide You Seek

I drive past houses where people used to live. Now, they're not vacant but where has everybody gone?

You need not care if you cut your hair
it is not the color of your skin
that will stand before you at the gates of hell.

Oh, well.
You run I hide you seek.

I chew on a toothpick;
they smoke cigarettes
between an undergraduate
and a master's degree.

I can't run away.

When frat boys string guitars and artists play intramurals, won't the world be such a blur.

I'm so uncertain, not sure if I should carry on; worthlessly semantic, manic, not in a state of ease.
I'm too busy to panic.

God must be crazy; he made me.

My Hate

My hate is pure.

It begins with me,
and doesn't end with you.

My hate is pure.

It spreads like a
disease, beginning in my brain,

and expanding to every inch
of my existence,
blinding me, binding me.

Set me free.

I Nearly Wound Up On Listerine

I started out with gin and tonics,
beer and bourbon,
and I nearly wound up on Listerine.

I started out a scholar partying with other kids who could think.

I wound up fighting for my cigarettes in the drunk tank.

I went to the anonymous place,
today, and I thought that some
of the babes would be hot for me,
because I had new pants on, but
they weren't.

One guy pissed me off, right at the beginning of the meeting, which is the point in the meeting where I am usually gathering and grabbing at the most tranquility. When all the shit is being read to kick things off, they say, “turn off your pagers and cell phones,” so that you won’t be a pain in everybody else’s ass, but this fucker, without a cell phone or a fucking pager, outwitted them. He brought in a bag of potato chips and the bag rattled every time that he stuck his fat fucking hand in it, nauseating me.

It was as if someone was dragging their fingernails across a chalkboard or chewing on tin foil. The mother-fucker then started chewing on the fucking chips and it sounded like bombs were being dropped, not on twenty year old Amerikan soldiers in Iraq, but in the fucking room that I was sitting in trying to stay sober one frigging minute at a time.

Some guy started sharing about honesty, though, so I forget about the potato chip asshole. Honesty is not something that I have historically been any good at, and now, when I listen, I seem to learn; so I’m listening.

Nothing Is Eternal

I’m starting to feel that I won’t measure up
that I will be rejected, discarded,
and then it’s back to one, as they say in film.


I’m eating licorice, before I go to bed,
licorice that the homeless man brought me.

“They just throw it away,” he said,
“It’s still sealed and everything.”

I’m thinking how everything is disposable,
like licorice, and love, and you and me.

We Seem To Have Won The War

We seem to have won the war,
pretty easily, and it only cost
us billions of dollars.

pills pills pills

I woke up, this Monday morning, ready to rush out of the house with the dog for the long walk to the anonymous place, after an incredibly painful and lousy wake up. I woke up raging within and the only thing that I could do was to curl deep, deep into a deep, deep fetal position, and try to pull my stained psyche and tortured existence back into the womb that rejected me in my late teens for being a raging alcoholic and not a med-skool or pre-law student.

It was a safe and blessed thing that “I couldn’t afford a gun.**” Kurt Cobain was a great musician, but this is the end was not what I had in store, just yet, for me.

I called the shrink, first thing, this a.m. The primary concern of the mean and angry bitch who answered the phone at the place that was supposed to be specialists in treating mean and angry people, was “could I pay on the past due?”

“LAAAAAAADEEEE...I’m about two or three brown colored plastic containers full of lithium away from serious thoughts on how to shoot myself in the head with a gun that I can’t afford. When they handed out the sanity playing cards, someone stole my ace of spades. Can't you see that I am meeeeeeeeentally ill? I need heeeeeeeelp, not dunning inquiries.”

“LAAAAADEEEE. I am one of your bi-polar bears who just reported to you that that he is having great difficulty due to, perhaps, a low lithium level and an increased tolerance, in my manic depressive system, to wellbutrin and trileptal, two anti-depressants, that have not been anti-ing the depression, baby.”

“uhhhh, what past due???????”

“The past due for appointments that you have missed with the therapist,” she says mean and bitterly, like she needs some serious meds and therapy herself.

I fired that therapist months ago. He was an inept fuck, trying to rack up one hundred and fifty dollar billings to Medicaid as fast as he could, to keep the fat asshole who owned the practice in his Porsche and his kids in their swimming pool and stupid looking fucking private skool shirts and pants.

He was a stupid fuck, who kept telling me that I needed to go back to meetings, get a sponsor and work the steps.


I had graduated from all that, without having stepped much at all. I had arrrrrrrrrrrived. I was in bi-polar therapy and I didn’t need no fucking alkies telling me the nature of my problems, nor how to cure them. See I was recovered, baby. I was ready for the next big thing. I was ready to evolve. Only, the fucking therapist couldn’t see it.

So, I fired him.

“Sure, I’ll pay on it,” I told the vicious bitch, not so much telling a lie as acting out of desperation. My lithium level must be low, I was convinced and my body and my brain must have built up a seriously strong resistance to Welbutrin and Trileptal or else whyyyyyyyy would I feel this way.

The fucking pills must be failing me.

I needed more pills. I needed a higher dose of the same pills. I needed new pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. That was the solution that would alleviate my pain. That was the solution to alter my existence from one of absolute sheer terror and hell, a terror and a hell far worse than any fake one concocted in the mind of a catholic priest to attract money to his basket on Sunday and choirboys to his bedroom the rest of the week.

I was in paaaaaaaaaaain, man. And I need pills, pills, pills.

** "I can't afford a gun," is one of the poem's songs on the mikel k band "sober," cd.

***Reading this piece, years after I wrote it, I am amazed at how less angry I have become and at how much more competent the people at the Shrink's office have become!!

I've got to be open

I've got to be open
to new people
to new friendships
to new love.

Beethoven has replaced Black Flag

no tom petty
no nirvana
no beatles
no lou reed
no r.e.m.
no bob dylan
no stones

Beethoven has replaced Black Flag.

Your Credit Cards Subjugate Us

Your credit cards subjugate us.
Your oil companies strand us.
Their mound of cheese grows
bigger, while we nibble on air
polluted and pumped into what?

We eat chickens and cows so
strung out on growth hormones
that they make it seem like
Kurt Cobain wasn’t even getting
high. Everybody’s got to die,
but why does it have to be such a
pain in the ass to get there?

There will be a doctor waiting to
buy martinis with your liver,
a soul-less surgeon will have already
stolen your heart and sold it on the
internet; given your descendents
not a pint of blood.

Perhaps your Christ shouldn’t be
so harsh; he causes you to be mean,
gives your children no alternative
to the noose when they do what
nature says to.

Settle down...

lose your virginity
slow down it s the end
of the world allegedly
don t blow it show your
true colors yesterday
your flag was green today
you re waving the red
white and blue.

babydoll_23: guess what?
babydoll_23: my five month hiatus has been officially disrupted.
doll_23: *golf clap*
mikel k: hiatus from what?
you got the clap from tiger woods?

She’s back: the pretty young girl with the killer rack, who I fell in love with, instant message style, within several hours, who showed up on my doorstep within a week and then ran like hell, because what I looked like, in person, did not stack up to what she had come to see as me from my writing and from our conversations in the instant message box.

Twenty something year old women and me don’t have much in common. I went on a date with one, several years back, and she made fun of my music, my clothes, my thoughts, my very existence.

The Rolling Stones might can date and marry twenty year olds, but it’s not for me. From it I can get no satisfaction.

rap man

you re into rap man
got big plans to
go to nyc take over
the scene.

boozin’ schmoozin’
choozin’ who’s cool
with whom to be

you're into rap man
run across a black man
who hates white folks
but he doesn't show
his cards. he saiz he's
your friend but he s
really your enemy.

you re into rap man
not all black men will
put you down.

you re into rap man
you re into rap man.

I Need A Rich Girl

I need a rich girl to drive my deceased car
to the unemployment line
so that I can get food stamps
and avoid a job.

I need a pill that will fill me up
not with envy;
I need a pill that will make me
feel friendly
not want to kill.

I need a friend in these united states
of isolation
even Hell's Angels are afraid
to hitchhike
where thinking
outside the norm
could land you in jail.

I need a reason to go on living
and I think
that my children will do.

Confession Of A Soon To Be Madman About The House

I see crayons on the floor
and I say to myself that
I am going to kill that cat,
strangle it, and bake it
in my next tuna casserole.

I move the couch to sweep the floor
and I discover the cat's hoarding place
her pecans
my lip balm
little bits of this
and little bits of that.

My lips have been dry for days,
and I would never have thought to look
under the couch for the lip balm.

While I type this, the cat has discovered
another pecan
and the noise of it rolling along the
tile on the kitchen floor will drive me crazy.

I cannot concentrate on poetry.
I cannot be a serious poet with this cat
chasing her pecan around the kitchen.

Yes, I will bake the cat in my next
tuna casserole, but first I will pick
crayons up off the floor and nab that
pecan from her and consider putting
carpet down everywhere and I will
never bring home pecans, again.

Workers Sneaking Into The Zoo

Idiotic replies to my pseudo-suicidal emails threatening to free Charles Manson make Ted Bundy rise like a bunny on Easter; put your money in the basket while your children arm themselves with machine guns to go to schools that you bought with your Mercedes that you stole from workers sneaking into the zoo.

Blowing In The Air

Past the hookers, men strung out on malt liquor
crack cocaine and poverty;
why do people have to suffer,
why do people have to hate?

I sit in the fancy bookstore
typing on a laptop
that somebody bought for me.

Why does Europe hate us,
and side with Pakistan in the Middle East?

I won't tell any lies.
If you listen very carefully,
you will hear Bob Marley whispering in my ear
drowning out the Saturday night conversation
blowing in the air.

We Are The Children...

We are the children of the sun
and the stars.

We are the children of the hippies
who were strung out on peace and love
and heroin when they conceived us.

We are the children of alcoholics
conceived in blackouts.

We are the children of the punk rockers
screwed into this world on beer and anger.

We are the children of the poor
raised on welfare and food stamps
and government housing.

We are the children of the middle class,
borrowing from the government, to get
an education to get a job with a pension
from corporate amerika who has already
fired our fathers before they could retire.

We are the children of the rich,
who like our fathers and mothers
before us, care only about obtaining
more wealth.

We are the children of the doctors, dentists
and lawyers who care more about their Porsches
and their Mercedes than they do their patients.

We are the children of the Amerikan dream
roaming the streets with a blanket
and a garbage bag full of aluminum cans.

We are the children who now have the children
and we hope they won’t learn racism from us
like we learned it from our moms and dads.

We are the children who can change the inevitable, alter our destiny, change the future from futile to fruitful.


What s The Solution To War

What’s the solution to war?

We should send old men and old women
to war, let them kill themselves off
in the name of bigger cars and better
air conditioning.

Let the congressmen and the kings, the
Presidents and the heads of state pull out
guns and knives and battle to the death.

Why should my son or daughter fight for
you,you fucking cowards, you killers, you

You hide behind your hallow halls, you hide
behind your laws that money buys.

I want you out in the open, looking down the
barrel of a gun, seeing what my son would see
before he pulled the trigger: a man just like
himself, scared just like himself, put there just like himself by a man or woman just like you.

The blood that spills, the guts that pour should be yours Mr. President. The guts that pour, the blood that spills should be yours Speaker of the
House. The brains that splat, the guts that pour
the blood that spills should be yours, Senator.

Teenagers should not be killing teenagers;
they should be studying math or tearing down
an engine skateboarding or hitchhiking through

War is not a game of chess.

Sugar In The Morning

Who gets through?
Who makes it?
Who gets cancer?
Who has to fake it?

I'll take my lithium now,
brush my teeth,
feed my son and daughter,

sugar in the morning,
sugar in the morning.

That's all I've got to do is
pour sugar in the morning.

One man rides in a bus, on which he can pee,
he has a different woman each night on each knee. Another man panhandles for a Listerine buzz, in the city; dies with bad breath, and a bad liver, and no one cares.

The man on the bus is getting as big as coca cola; he's everywhere. It doesn't make any sense to me; who gets through who makes it, who's trying to get through, who has to fake it.

He Smiles Insane Inside

I’ll keep you warm
step inside.

My money’s breathing.
It will never die.

I see the prostitutes
on Christmas eve.
What will Santa bring them?

Houses line the horizon.
Inside everyone feels warm;
so good to be safe inside.

Outside there’s a knock.
Enter the serial killer.
He wears a pizza suit.

Thank you for the tip.
He smiles insane inside.

January 10, 2002

I know two white guys who keep pictures of Jimi Hendrix close to them. One is homeless right now; he fell off the top of a house, high on pills and malt liquor, and was pronounced legally dead. Somehow, they brought him back and you know what he said..."Mikel, there is no heaven or hell, there is just a comfortable, peaceful darkness."

This guy wasn’t sure if he was happy to be back, because he had a thirty year old daily drinking problem monkey on his back, but, today, he has several weeks clean and he is doing real well, if you know what i mean.

Anyway, he was over here, yesterday, finally not being too stubborn to use my shower, and as he rummaged through his bag, he pulled out a pic of Hendrix and smiled.

"Jimmi goes everywhere with me," he said with a sly, homeless grin. This guy is picking up pennies on the street and coke cans off of the sidewalks to save for an apartment. He is, also, now, just twenty five bucks away from having seventy five bucks to buy the guitar that the guy a few apartments down from me was going to sell to me.

The guy a few apartments down is a musical genius, a fanatic, a guy who spends as much time playing guitar and recording songs into his computer as I do writing. In the corner of his living room staring at him while he plays is a big picture of Hendrix.

This guy said, "I don't want to play like Jimmi, but I want to play like Jimmi did, always looking for something new.”

Got A Virgin Arm

Jim Morrison died
in a bath tub
in Paris,
needle in his arm.

Rock star.
Rock star.

Jim Morrison,
he had the money.
Jim Morrison,
he had the babes.

Dead rock star.
Dead rock star.

Me, I'm a virgin
got a virgin arm.

Fuck Heroin

Fuck heroin,
it killed
my friend
and drummer
Greg Psomas.

Fuck heroin,
look at that kid
with the facial tattoo
is he happy?

Fuck heroin,
put a shotgun
in the mouth
of Kurt Cobain.

Heroin is for losers,
addicts not in recovery.

Die Young

Die young.
Die young.

Die young
and you didn't have
any fun,

die young
die young.

Die young
and you didn't
accomplish anything,

die young
die young.

Do those drugs
and drink
like Jimi Hendrix did,

die young
die young.

Do those drugs
and drink
like Janis Joplin did,

die young
die young.

Do those drugs
and drink
like Jim Morrison did,

die young
die young.

Die young,
Kurt Cobain.

Die young,
Brad Nowell.

Die young,
Shannon Hoon.

Die young,
Brian Jones.

Die young.
Die young.

He Lives In A Cage

He lives in a cage;
I’m glad I don’t live
in a cage.

He lives in a cage;
I watched him eat lettuce.

I used to live in a cage,
but I don’t live in a cage

Happy Together

You can be happy.
I can be happy.
But, we can’t be
happy together.

He’s a musician
who doesn’t have time
for his instrument.
He’s being eaten
by his corporate job,
could have had
an underground smash hit
but, he’s got a car
in the suburbs.
At the end of the
month, the bank wants
his cash.
Desperate Isolation

I feel old by the pool
Like a fool
Watching somebody else’s

Finish that statement
I’ll put you on the pavement
I know what your words meant
Though now you say you meant
Something different.

I’m not a loser just a cruiser
Passing through this world all alone
I know what love means,
Been through that strange scene.

I’m addicted to pain
It gives me pleasure
It is how I measure my existence.
When I am happy I am not pleased
My disease kicks in brings me down

He kisses her by the pool
And what I see in front of me looks lovely
But she will rip his heart out later
Leave him trembling in room full of desperate isolation.

I want someone to discover me
I want someone to uncover me
Tell me that I am good
That what I have written
Will be read for centuries.

I want someone to love me.

Sixteen year old girls suck
On cigarettes like new mothers
Offering baby a tit for the first time
Why can’t the Marlboro man do sit ups
Or pushups; bench presses
Teach the children to drink lots of water
with lemon.

I act like the wasp has intruded on my space
But looking over I see that it has a piece of food
In its mouth and has made the inside of the plastic chair
Next to me its home
Little baby wasps wait to be fed
I am the intruder.

Yesterday it was punk rock boys
Today, the girls are into hip hop
Boys with tattoos, still, but now
Under a baseball hat with peroxide hair
Instead of a Mohawk.

I didn’t want to fold clothes this morning
So I loaded them into the back of the pickup truck
And headed to the pool party.

We are where we are I’m by a pool now
Upstairs in the living room people kept checking in
Saying sorry I can’t spend any time with you
Are you alright someone even called to say hello
They didn’t understand I had the needle in my arm
Was hooked up to the internet floating in and out
Of chat rooms downloading napster to see
What Metallica was so pissed off about
Hooking up instant messenger
Hey, there’s a stock exchange tape on my screen
What’s that all about
So many pictures of women
Got rid of a virus yesterday
We are where we are
Hey, why haven’t I got any mail?

I didn't know you wuz a nigger

My daddy called you a nigger
said you was evil go figure
I never knew that a nigger
was the two kids in the Catholic school
school parking lot that I ran around with
playing tag n hide n seek with
during lunch break
trading sandwiches and bubble gum with

Mark and Alvin.

I didn't know you was the enemy.
I didn't know you was the enemy.

You looked just like a couple of kids to me
one day we was laughing
the next day we was arguing
about who came closer to the wall at flipping cards.
I traded my snickers bar to you for
your m and m's.

My daddy called you a nigger,
but to me you was just another kid
in the second grade, the same as me,
and I was glad when you moved
into the house next to me,
but, my daddy started screaming how
the niggers were fucking him.
How dare they move into the neighborhood
right next to him.
He sold his house and ran to "security,"
where everybody looked the same as me.

One day we was slapping palms,
trading baseball cards and making plans
to ride our bikes over to the baseball field,
now I'm in the public school
and the cool kids with designer clothes
are picking fights with me and making fun
of my shoes; these kids are the same color
as me but the way they treat me I got to think
that they are the enemy.

Then, one day, they find out
that I can catch a football
better than them
and once I got it in my hands
I’m gone to the end zone
of the playground field
this one's got grass.

Then, the white kids in the public school
quit picking on me and said that I was

For Just An Hour On Sunday

Sometimes life’s not fair,
but i don’t care,
I just got new underwear.

I asked a lesbian if
she wanted children
she said yes,
but not with me.

Oh, I’m so pretty,
pretty empty.
I’m so empty;
won’t you fill me
up with something.

You got to believe.
You got to conceive.
What must we achieve
before we are gone?

In our house, we didn’t
believe in god
for just an hour
on Sunday.


I should be in church, but I’m seated at the bar. My mother fed me fish on Friday; I spit it out. Two girlfriends ago arrived from the West Coast. We have alternative families. She is white. Her live in sin is Caucasian. Their daughters are African-American. I live with one girlfriend ago and her husband. We have two sons and a daughter. I used to be violent; can’t yet tell you the tale. I would hit her. Then she would pay my bail; fiction. Is this a lie? Is it the truth? Kurt Cobain plays unplugged. He says that he doesn't have a gun. Jim Morrison begins and ends the album with death. Wish. I guess he got what he gave himself. Wanted. There’s not even a traffic ticket on me today. Tragic. They make money off of other strangers. Dangers. Today, I eat fat free. How’s this for the beginning to a short story: her head was on the floor and he kicked it? He liked her cunt; he licked it. Don’t tell my son that I was a swearer. Don’t tell my son that I used to smoke. Do dope. Drink. Blackout. Hangover. Jail. He already knows. I’m in recovery. I’m a recovering Dad. Just kidding. Only have one, but he’s the best I ever had. I’m in love with his brother, too. And his sister. Brother can you spare a dime? Mammy have you got the time? I’m not in trouble. Don’t need you to wire the rent. Money spent. I’ve got a boner. I’m a loner. Please. Please. Help me. Do you believe in Jesus? Do you believe in money? I’m queer. Can I be your neighbor? What do you say? Soheto. Soheto. Treat me like a dog. What should I say? The slave lurks in all of us. Waiting to be free. Free, free at last. Can I outlive my wicked past? Questions from the Secret Service. Would you kill Reagan? I’m a pagan. Believe sex can get you into heaven. Sex can give you children. Sex can kill you. Sex is dead. I’m not. A stranger. Danger. Don’t think. All that they gave you. The book is incomplete. You don’t have to live in defeat. Smell your feet. Think about God. Don’t go on the nod. Love a stranger. Smile. Say hello. Politeness can rule the planet. Care about your sister. Make love to your brother. Eat a burger. Vegetarian. Garbage in. Garbage out. I got so high. Clean and sober. What should I buy? This is a page of thoughts. Can you dig? Do you relate? Puke catholic fish; sick on your plate. I wore the uniform. I fear the gun. Thirty eight special. Ain’t nothin’ special ‘bout your brains splattered all over the convenience store counter at five bucks an hour. Another stranger dead. It’s o.k. It’s happening in Miami. Not here. Disease can’t spread. Live in isolation. The security force grows. Cops killing criminals. Hey; I knew that kid. He talked about freedom. He was dread-locked. He was punk rock. He was a hippy. He didn’t sell dope to our children. Cigarettes are legal. Take out the corporate heads. Beer commercials on. Cigarette billboards on. Kill the bastards. They sell death. It’s o.k. You have your freedom. Free to choose. Subliminal message. Nixon died in his sleep. Somebody shot Kennedy. Somebody shot Martin Luther King. Kurt Cobain killed himself. My mother won’t talk to me. I spit out her fish. I am not my father’s son. I turned out not like he intended. Son of the Irish immigrant didn’t get a corporate job. He didn’t go to West Point. Doesn’t believe the U.S.A. is infallible. Come together. All I am saying. Love can make it. Smile at a stranger. Be nice because.

Green Tea Alibis

A quiet morning attempt
to sip some tea
and experience the sounds
and sights that occur
when i am usually asleep
is castrated,

By the loud sound of a “partier”
her radio and fast spinning tires
punctuating the silent morning
with a multitude of
vodka and beer soaked
exclamation points.

I Never

I never.
I never.
I never.

If your kid
hangs around
dirty clothes
then she’s gonna
get dirty.

And if your kid
hangs around
a man who can sing,

then he’s gonna
learn to play
the guitar.

Take It Anyway That You Can Get It, Baby

Does peace come from within
or is peace just a whim
like something you said
when you were a hippy
and your hair was long
your dick was hard
and the pot and the methamphetamine
were what you were studying most
when you were in school.

Anyway, I'm a cynic.

Peace and love.
Peace and love.

Take it anyway
that you can get it,

Trying To Look Like He Has Purpose

Men not playing golf
drive golf cart like machines
up and down the aisles.

A fellow we know
walks up behind us
and grins,

"I got six hours in
at time and a half
yesterday,"he says.

We walk off, laughing,
knowing that, today,
this man is still trying
to stay on the clock,
riding his cart around
doing laps around the building
like a long distance runner
trying to look like he has purpose.

bumble beez buzz

bumble beez buzz
pollen circulates
lawnmowers make a

All That Matters

She’s the queen
of in and out.
She’s the master
of one night stands.
See her fall so gracefully
onto the mattress,
with a wine glass
in her hand.
In the morning she’s
not sure
if she’s been good or bad.
All that matters is that
the children don’t know.

Well, you didn’t want a virgin,
but she’s gone too far.
Will you laugh or cry
when she puts a bullet
in her head?

Does She Miss Fucking Me

I know that she misses my smile,
my laugh, and the way
that I made her chuckle.

I know that she misses my blue
eyes, my telephone conversation,
and the way that I read her my
poems at night.

I know that she misses drinking coffee
with me, going to the movies
and finding that new restaurant.

does she miss fucking me?

Just to get a piece of ass(my karma will get even with me later…)

I decided to keep the cell phone
turned off until I got the message
that she had left the city
another abortion of an internet date
this one physically un-appealing and,
like one or two others,
semi verbally abusive.
I mean where do they get off, showing up
fat and or ugly and then trying to boss me
around or tell me that I am odd or stupid
or fat and ugly myself.

I feel sorry for men who are so desperate for
a woman that they would put up with an abusive
woman’s bullshit just to get a piece of ass.
I feel sorry for women who have to lie to men
on a computer screen just to get a real time meeting.

God is not very fair.

The woman who I just met
will cry in her car on her way home.
I will be depressed, my karma has been
fucked with, and will get even with me later.

Children Of Convenience

Children of convenience
contain them
say they are yours
but when they ask for
tell them to cook it

I am alone with my anger
my little babies gone from me;
look what I have done to me,
couldn’t bite my tongue shared
my insanity.

I didn't want to admit it,
but i needed a break.
The nintendo had gotten to me;
I couldn’t be the father that I
wanted to be;

the demons swelled up inside
of me
there was no release for me.

It Was Her Who Wanted Me Not He

Insane men pass through my door;
I perceive them as friends, but
their actions betray them. They
become a threat to my children so
I eliminate them. They are stunned
at the swiftness with which I dismiss

I want to isolate; hide the insanity,
try to keep this anger somewhere
deep inside of me, but I cant. It
grows stronger the longer I am
alive with it.

Will it kill me like it did the man
who had me with my mother and then
said it was her who wanted me,not he.

Nobody Hugs Me

Good looking girls
get more hugs.
I’ve seen it happen.

Nobody hugs me.

God Might Be

God might be
a giant jelly bean
that meets me
at the gates of heaven
and satisfies my sugar

God might be
a million dollars
there to pay my bills.

God might be a big bottle
of pink pills to cure my
mental ills.

God might be my dog wagging
its tail making me happy.

God might be the stuffed animals
that adorn my living room,
that I buy, saying they are for
my kids.

God might be you.
God might be me,
but I don’t think so;
now I got to go.

God is calling me.

God's Will

I want to be great
and I want to be good
and I want to follow
God's will.

I want to be proud
and I want to be humble;
I want to give love
and I want to receive love
and I want to follow
God's will.

I want my children
to love and respect me.
I want to love and respect
my children.
I want my family to prosper
and I want to follow
God's will.

I want to be good to
my friends
and I want my friends to
be good to me.
I want to be trusted with
I want to be trusted with

and i want to follow
God's will.

There's more I want,
like an end to homelessness
and lies and poverty and fear.
I'd like to see an end to alcoholism
and drug addiction, also.

I don't think it's God's will
for you to stick a needle
in your arm, smoke those nasty
or to beat your wife or girlfriend
or child.

I want you to go do something nice
for someone else. I think that is
God's will. 5-30-98

Fragile Angel With Warts Commiserates

Fragile angel with warts commiserates
on winning the beauty contest; she
bought a box of fit in...went to
a psychotic movie and, when she came
out, the public said that she was number
one. But, she remembered having zits,
so she ordered all the world's butterflies
to be destroyed, starting in Illinois; she
made some noise, they sent her to mars
where there were no bars so she had
to get drunk in grocery stores where
she started zz meetings while feeling
cantaloupes in the meat dept. one day.

child angels to fuck...
by old fat broke crazy

i fell into the sea again started treading water when i knew how to swim like an olympian waited for my ship to come in when i knew i had to grab the brass ring...the brass ring? listen to me sing: the smile on the kid's face being able to function as one of the human race biting my tongue when i want to punch someone in particular or just anyone in the face sleeping when i need to eating like i should knowing what to do in situations that used to baffle me strangers showing up and becoming friends not leaving when the "party's" over leaving me to clean up the mess ...if this sounds like I am expressing gratitude, i am...i am an ordinary man subject still to insecurity and fear...there is so much good going on for me so what if love doesn't act exactly like it s "supposed" to what if i can' t see love standing right in front of me because i'd rather wallow in misery my son has learned the lesson well when dad is in a mood he has been taught to say ok i will carry on with my day it's not my fault i won't accept the blame for the way dad feels today and in an hour or day or two when he snaps back to reality he'll have the smile back on his face... confrontation doesn't work with a man who…when he s feeling depressed or angry doesn't give a flying fuck who he hurts...acting like a wounded animal trying to kill or maim anything that comes near to him...so off i go again to the anonymous place and when i get back sometime in the late pm i'll just bet you one thing…that i'll have a smile upon my face so always remember that if i go into my "mood" it is me and not you and you don t have to accept any responsibility for this insanity and...worry's just a waste of time be happy enjoy your life while i figure out mine when i backtrack get trapped once again in the angry depressed haze that i used to embrace and parade with like it was my only friend an occurrence which mostly now goes on for an hour or two every once in awhile and not for days and days and weeks and years and could have consumed a lifetime mine and i kind of sort of think with this as a guideline we might have a good time most of the time but not nothing is ever perfect even puppy love infatuation leads soon to the realization that it's true for both of us that sometimes if we throw our underwear at the wall they will stick and the dog and cat and kids will say pewwwwww...walt whitman where are you...learning how to write a poem from bukowski while ginsberg wanders through hell looking for child angels to fuck but he has no luck cuz in hell they don t flock to a pedophile’s door with a pen and paper a smile on their face seeking an autograph from a man who was not what they thought he was...put an apple on your head allan and let burroughs shoot you dead. the beatniks sucked. their words. their message. fuck john lennon. i am gone...

Anytime Soon

I felt like sitting naked
on my chair today. There was
absolutely nothing sexual
about it.

In fact, I'm not sure what there was
about it. I have heard nudists
say that there is a great freedom
in nudity, but I am not built like
a body builder or hung like a
porn star, so you will not see me
naked on a nude beach any time

Hmmm. 4pm Saturday

Hmmm. 4pm Saturday, I get a letter from the middle school saying “your son will graduate with honors, please come to the hoop de doo, 430pm Saturday. Aforementioned son knocks on door, a half hour later, covered in blood, crying, holding his arm saying he is in great pain; he fell off his skateboard. A quick trip to the emergency room reveals that he broke his collar bone. I have been presented with a blessing and a challenge back to back and I handled both well. Praise the Lord.

Someone asked me yesterday if I “believed in the Lord?” I said, “Yes, do you? he said, “No,” so I went at him with the “something greater than ourselves running the show theory.”

Then listened to what he had to say and I said, to him, “Well it sounds to me like you believe in the Lord,** too, you just don't believe in organized religion. He agreed.

I hope you re having a safe and blessed day.

**Also defined as “a power great than our self.”

My Dog Is Weird

My dog is weird.
He sits for hours
in front of
a saliva covered
tennis ball,
waiting for someone
to throw him a pass.

Watch Them Sleep In The Morning

I love to go in
and look at them,
watch them sleep
in the morning.

I used to not be
such an early riser,
but now there is
a great comfort in
getting up early.

I splash water on
my face, swallow my pills
and fix a cup of coffee.

Today, I lifted cement weights
on the concrete porch out back
of our rental home.

It is much easier on the monthly bills,
to work out that way, instead of paying
to join a gym.

I then have more money to spend
on the beautiful children who I love
to watch sleep in the morning.

Fuck That

The kid came up all friendly acting like he knew me, so I said, "Hey, and where do I know you from?"

"Over there." He pointed to the square.

I know a million people from "over there, the square."

He asked my buddy, Mad Dog, if he could bum a smoke? Mad Dog said, "Yes," and, fuck, we were stuck with the kid for at least the length of a smoke.

The kid asked us what we did and Mad Dog said, "I work here,(at the coffee house) which would have to be obvious to even a blind man, because he had the green coffee house apron on.

I lied and told the kid that I did landscaping.

There was something irritating as hell about this kid and I figured that he would want to be a Stage Hand, if I told him that I was doing that kind of work. He would want to be part of the wonderful world of rock and roll and would somehow wind up not only being a pain in my ass here, but also on the job. I've learned not to refer people to anything and especially not to a job that I am working at, because there I am on time, ready to work, and some asshole, who I referred is late or doesn't show up and I get yelled at for it. It's happened before.

fuck that.


Two really hot babes hang out near us, the stage hands; they don’t say hello, they just keep prowling around the backstage area with 8x10 photos of the star in their hands.

I wonder if all they seek is an autograph.


It is sad to see where some people end up.
I wonder what it’s like to walk this earth
in their shoes, full of pain, complete slaves
to something, willing to do anything to anyone to get it, no sense of self, no sense of self worth.

Younger people have been trained by older people that they are not empowered. Go to school, so that you can go to school to get an entry level position with us. The student comes out of college owing so much money that he sees no option, but to go right to work for the machine.

I’m An Alien

I’m an alien on this planet
and I want to scream, damn it.

Everywhere I go I don’t fit in.

A poet alone amongst lesbians who sing.
A white boy amongst brothers who bring
rap to the stage; no platform for
the white boy to express his rage.

I’m a circle in a world of squares.

I’m All Alone Inside This Limousine

I’m all alone inside this limousine,
living my dreams alone; just me.

I’m all alone inside this limousine
the adoration of the masses,
the girls with backstage passes
didn’t turn out to be the high for me.

Everyone says that I’m a celebrity
but as i look at myself on the mtv
inside i feel so empty.

Can someone book another hotel room for me,
pull my tour bus out front so all my old friends can see?
Room service bring me something that
wont make me feel so empty;
those people who I left behind don’t mean a damn to me,
they were just stepping stones to where God meant me to be.

Goodnight. I love you all. See you in Los Angeles.

Buy. Buy. Buy.

Thirty Fucking Years

While you were buying and selling houses.
While you were buying and selling cars.
While you were getting married and divorced.
While you were getting promoted or fired.

I was writing.

Thin Line

There is a thin line between getting
jacked on coffee and maintaining
a comfortable feeling of security.

Not A Penny Nothing’s Happening

Not a penny nothing’s happening
they tell me it s always darkest
before the dawn, but this darkness
has been going on for too long.

I have no solutions,
I'm just digging myself in deeper
to a place of pain and scorn
don't throw the life preserver
I’d rather drown.

You can’t save a man content
on keeping himself down.

When Gill Scott Herron Comes

When Gill Scott Herron comes,
He will be so high on cocaine
and his own reputation
that he ignores
and or looks down on
the brothers that he came to save.

Can’t wait to hit the crack pipe
with George Clinton,
Tuned into the same commercials that
he tried to turn you off to,
On a long and winding road so many,
many years ago.

Just another day in the neighborhood,
the women and the children they are
looking good. Someone dropped a bomb
in the middle of my dream. Now I want
to join the Mafia the CIA the Infantry

kill the enemy.

What went wrong? Who hates us and why? Who are we who they hate? Is it all of us, the mailman, the workingman, the single mom, the little league father. Who stole the oil? Who raped the land who killed the Indian, their women and children and said it was us.? Who enslaved the black man, their women and children and said it was us.?

Which revolution should I buy into?
Which TV speaks the truth?
Which newspaper reports to me
in “our” best interest?

The revolution will not.
The revolution will not.

Ken Doll

She wears him like a medal.
With every success he achieves,
she fucks him harder.
She parades him in front of
her friends and family like a trophy.
He is the Ken Doll that
used to make love to her Barbie.

A Fuck Can't Last Forever

A fuck can't last forever
and neither can a million dollars.
What I'm after is eternal
and it runs from church on Sunday.


the oldest son just strolled out
of the apartment
to work on being a superstar
i walked into the kitchen
and found a sink full of nasty
greasy dishes silverware and
a pot full of hot water that
could have been cleaned in a
second. this morning i got home
reached for a frying pan to
cook some eggs for lunch and
the pan was covered in hardened
scrambled eggs and bacon grease
which took me fifteen minutes
to clean.


As We Grow Older

At first,
we are all
blindly indebted
to something
that we were taught
to call Sir.

Instilled in us,
was an unquestioning respect
for authority.


Police Officers.
School Teachers.
Little League Coaches.

As we grow older,
we learn that...


Bitch said I was scary
and that my line of work
was strange;

and then expressed shock
that I had kids.


What a fat loser.
Have a nice day,


Ps: If you show your flabby
tits in your profile, of
course men will want to show
you their cocks on their cams.



dog bite. strep throat. pockets of
serenity. crazy work life. successful
and not dysfunctional (drunk) easter
dinner. you?

no dessert on the holidays

it gets boring
once i ve eaten
everybody seems to
comfortably fit into
their little compartments
but me. july 4, 2003

clean and

claiming to now be clean
and driven by the lord
but still seeking tv cameras
still selling cds
the tv station is different
the product has changed

Can You Make Any Sense Out Of Me?

I get amped on a cola beverage
and stay up way past midnight
looking for love on the internet.

I sleep late; wake up depressed,
what a mess. Can you tell me
what I'm really looking for?
Can you make any sense out of

Even After I Am Dead

I have written thirty million poems
about you, but you will never see
even one of them, even after I am dead.

SoulSister: I like you. I respect your opinions, otherwise I would ignore you. You're my friend, so you're allowed to be pissy.

poetmikelk: Hmmmmm. What are my opinions?

SoulSister: Too bloody many to list; you know what I mean. I like your points of view.

poetmikelk: Top two?

SoulSister: Your thoughts on raising your children.

poetmikelk: Hmmmmmmmm

SoulSister: Your thoughts on the world.

poetmikelk: Thanks. You are sweet.

SoulSister: Your thoughts on money vs. people. You are a great person.

poetmikelk: I know what it is like to be a child that is unhappy and scared.

SoulSister: Me, too; it's why my life’s ambition is to raise happy children.

poetmikelk: Great goal. You are a beautiful woman.

Has Anyone Seen JonBenet?

Has anyone see JonBenet?

I miss her laughter.
I wonder if she cried
as she was killed;

before she got to play
on the swings one more time,

before she got one grade
higher in school,

before she got to watch
cartoons on Saturday
one more time,
cereal on her lap
in her tummy?

Some things are never right.
and what happened to JonBenet
is wrong.

Thanks for the reminder Eyes Adrift.

Eye Contact

Both of my animals
make eye contact,
unless they have
done something wrong.

The dog will hang his head,
if I come home and find that
he has entered the trash bag
and scattered its contents
about the floor.

The cat is sinister;
she never owns up
to anything.

It was someone else
who pissed under my
desk and it was some-
one else who pissed
at the head of my bed
and it was someone
else who knocked the
pictures off of the shelf.

The cat admits to nothing.

She is like a child molester
who proclaims his innocence
into the grave, his bones
finally joining those of his

Forbidden Ass

Forbidden ass;
I can t touch it.

I'd go to hell,

burning with
Satan inside

the prison of
my mind.

Forbidden ass;
so appealing
on the outside.

Forbidden ass;
needs toilet paper,
just like every other
ass alive.

I Know That You're The One That I Love The Most

I don't want to appear
to be a Pavlov's dog
but, when you get around me
I can’t control this feeling within.

I don’t want to appear to be salivating
but,when I get around you
I don’t know what to do.

I don t want to act like
a little puppy dog
wagging its tail

but, when you come close,
I know that you're the one
that I love the most.

That I Had Balls/Shed A Tear

I know that soon
they will come to
take me to the place
with the padded walls.

And I know that soon
I will burn in hell
or hang out for infinity
in purgatory.

But, first, I'm going to
drink this cup of coffee,
write a poem or two
smile and shed a tear;

because I know,
deep down in my heart,
that while I was alive
that I had balls.

When I Had A Car

It seems that when I had a car
that it always was almost out of gas,
that the brakes were always scraping,
that it was time for an oil change
every day and that the payment coupon
for the insurance came much more often
than it should have.

So, it came as no great surprise when
they repossessed it.


Her solution was to
alter the meds,
take a few pills away.

We'd start right away.
Let s do it today.

My solution was to drink
two huge coffees,
full of luscious caffeine,
put on a good sober buzz.

It might just chase the blues

Errrrrrr, let’s call a spade
a spade
maybe a good sober buzz
would chase the depression
the sometimes comforting,
sometimes frightening thought
that hemingway and kurt cobain
had found a better way.

I'm wondering if my bad day
is worse that your worst day?

If time was a killer

If time was a killer,
then I'd already be dead;
and I'm not even near as
old as you.

I know that the mood
that I'm in now will pass
but, still, time passes so slow
when you've got nowhere to go
and no money to get there.

The world doesn't do exactly
what I want it to, when I want it to,
so I'm stuck here, looking at
these old pictures and paintings
on the wall.

Can I help the next customer in line?

“Are you going to put in an application to work at the new Starbuck’s in Iraq?’
I asked Mad Dog J.
“They are not going to put one a Starbucks in Iraq,” said Mad Dog, furiously counting tip money.
“I bet they will within two years,” I said
“The people of Iraq make in a week what you are holding in your hand,” he said, referring to my second venti caramel macchiato.
“But, I said, “in two years they will all be working at Mc Donald’s, Wendy’s and or Burger King. And many of them will have Diary Queen franchises, and Amway distributorships.”
Mad Dog just shook his head and said, “Can I help the next customer in line, please?”

Insecure Man

My face isn’t handsome enough.
My cock isn’t big enough.
My wallet isn’t full enough
for you to love me.

Teaching Bukowski How To Spell

Passages in time you could be fat now skinny later eat bad then eat good now have girls wink at you when they think that you have something that they need we all need something tell me what you need baby write it down send it to me in an email tell me what you're looking for I'll tell you what I've got why waste time why beat around the bush why play mind games with a perfect stranger you might be on the nod I've got to walk the dogs see the kid gets to skool on time am I a poet now am I a poet now does this verse rhyme am I on time to be in tune with the ph d teaching Bukowski how to spell...

Thoughts On Consumers And Poets For Piece

I can t oppose
a war for oil
if my primary goal
is to ride in a limousine.

I can t use my platform
on and or for peace
as a stepping stone
to getting my face
on the cover of
the Rolling Stoned.

from the daily k feb. 3, 2003

no matter how filthy the pants got

no matter how filthy the pants got
no matter how many days in a row
that the kid wore them to school
no matter how many times that the
father asked the son if they were making
fun of him at school yet
were they taunting him for being
the only kid with only one pair of pants
the corduroy ones
that the kid always called
the khaki ones

no matter how many times the father
begged the kid not to wear them for
another day in a row to wear something
else god forbid even one of the really
nice pair of pants that the relatives gave
him for Christmas his birthday and
sometimes a really really nice pair
on Easter that he would wear once to
a boring mass that kept him for a couple
of hours away from his Easter basket

the father hid the pants after the last time
he washed them. he hid them so well that
he was really not even sure where they
were when the kid came up and asked him
if he knew where they were. it was true
that he did not know where they were but
he lied to the kid when he said that they
were still dirty and that he would wash
them soon. he was teaching the kid not to
lie, so why had he lied to the kid?

I am so blind

I've supported artists blindly.
I've loved blindly.
I've gotten insanely mad blindly.
I've cried for hungry children blindly
I've cried blindly trying to figure
out why there were wars.
I've cried blindly because there were
times when i couldn't pay my rent.
I've cried blindly when you were
there by my side.
I've cried blindly when you
weren't there, when i couldn't find you
I've cried blindly because,
I see things so clearly
I've cried blindly because,

I am so blind.

My Seriously Diminished Twenty Dollar Bill

I don't do anything
but write.
I don t randomly fornicate.
I don t fistfight.
I don t drink until
I pass out and wind up
behind bars.

One of my kids is in line
Waiting to buy a donut.

The other kid is in line
waiting to buy a sandwich.

The kid waiting to buy a sandwich
screams over to me, "hey is it ok
if I buy a twelve inch sub
instead of a six inch sub?"

"Sure," I say, and, soon, he
returns to the table, where
I sit, with a notebook and pen
and he hands me my seriously
diminished twenty dollar bill.

Separate Entities

We are separate entities
And even when the penis
Enters your my pussy we
Will still be separate.

Just Kidding

I write
right now
with a cat
glued to
my lap.

Her name is Madonna.

She is neurotic: all
noises must be investigated,
all cracks and crevices must
be inspected
by Miss Priss.

What A Daughter Can Do For Her Daddy

She has brown eyes
and a small grouping
of freckles on her nose.

Her smile makes me forget
that I have been in a bad
mood all day.

I understand

I understand why
my father was so

I understand why
my father was so

I understand why
my father was so
mean when he came
home from a long
day at work.

He was very tired.

Living In Hell Already

I don't suppose that
I am evil and I don t
think that anything that
I have done, so far, will
send me to hell, if there
is a hell, as I was taught.

But, some days, I feel that
I am living hell.

What about you?

Do you ever feel evil?
Do you ever feel like
you are going to hell?

Do you ever feel like
you are in hell already?

Note on the weird couple with the bird in a cage at the coffee shop

Some people are weird
they look at you funny
when you talk to them
like you are a child molester,

when all that you have said
is it is nice to see someone
take their bird out for coffee.

When They Weren't Fucking Young Hot Broads

Flowers and peace signs
mean what, when you are
intensely aggravated?

Does that mean that
you cannot believe in
peace and love?

Does that mean that you
can not strive for peace
and love in your own
personal space?

All the great pacifists
jacked off in the mirror
when they weren't fucking
young hot broads.

Love Is Like A Jackass

"Love" is always in the future;
it is like a carrot in a string
tied to a stick leading a jack
ass to...

watchooo gonna do(thoughts on going down on her muffin)

i need to go down on your muffin
tell me something about the beauty
inside of you cuz a hit and run just
won't do it doesn't have to be for
forever but it should be for more than
one night

instigate investigate shake hands smile
and then head for the hotel room whatchoo
gonna do girl whatchooo gonna do with
this fool

tits can make me such a stupid man
ass can make me think not straight
gosh damn

say a prayer when things get cloudy
when the cock is so hard it wants to do
all the thinking for you breath in breath out
a lifetime of regret is not worth an hour
or two under the mirror moving the bed

i m saying i want you girl watchooo gonna
do watchooo gonna do?

And I Wonder Why Love Eludes Me

I want to punish her
though she has done
no wrong.

I want to kiss her
though I have
dismissed her.

I want to hold her hand
though I have banished her
to a far away foreign land.

I want her to run to me
though I have run from her.

I want her to turn to me
though i have turned away
from her,

and I wonder
why love eludes

And So We Fell In Love

And so we fell in love.
And now we fall out of

Is this the only love
I will ever know?


I am just a pained beast
With tears in my eyes
Screaming out at what
I don't know.

We Like Each Other Better Not Less

As flowers blossom in the spring
I learn the reason why you smile
when the sun sets and cry when it

As summer starts, I learn
what moves you, what angers you
why you are afraid of the waves
crashing on the beach.

In the fall, we talk of love
what it is, what it isn't.

In the winter, we keep each other warm
take turns fixing
the hot tea in the evening
the coffee in the morning.

As the years go by, we get to know
each other better, like each other more
not less.

Because Of Her

Because of her,
he bit his nail
so hard that
his finger
started bleeding.

The pain surprised him.
He wanted to cry;
not because of his

because of her.

Body Part

If I bled razor blades
crazy feelings
this one stirs
inside of me.

Am I a man or am I an

She drives me crazy;
which body part
to worship first?

It would hurt to say
have her say no way.

Body part
Body part.

Catholic Tits

Catholic tits desiring
not a caress a lick a bite
that leads to fornication

catholic tits that make no
mention of the word love,

husband, husband, husband.

Somebody else's rules and
regulations for your body
for your mind must be met


Catholic tits seeking wanting yearning
catholic tits laying home alone in bed
at night.

Her Nice Legs

She displays them
like they were a trophy.

How many hours in the mirror
has she spent before
presenting them to the world?

I Want To Get Down With A Girl In A Three Piece Suit

I want to get down with a girl
in a three piece suit.

It would be funny to see her
naked; costs analysis profits
buzzing in her head.

I eat her pussy and she thinks
about monday morning.

I Will Mostly Have A Smile For You

I can t predict the future.

I can t tell you what's
going to happen tomorrow,
but I can tell you this,
I will love you
if it rains
or if we're poor.

I will do the dishes,
if none of the children
are around.

I will sweep the floor
at least once or twice
a year.

I will grow tomatoes
in the garden and i will
mostly have a smile for you.

Just As Long As He Comes Back

Eyes heavy,
while at my desk;
but when I lay down
they jump to wide open.

The dogs are asleep.
Usually, they stir
or stand up,
when I get up
but, tonight
they are down
for the count.

The cat has learned
how to come and go
or I have learned
how to let him come
and go.


I let him out,
and then I went
where I was going.

When I returned
from where I went,
the cat was perched
on top of a car
a bit away from the abode.

I blew him kisses,
but he ignored me;
he fucking ignored me.

He did not even
turn his head
to look at me.

He did not even
turn his head
in the direction
of my kisses.

He did not even
turn his head
in the direction
of our kitchen.

"FINE,"I said,
"stay on your car."

And I went inside.

Three minutes later,
I opened the door,
unable to not check
and see if he was still
on his throne
and he came whisking
through the door.

I don t care
if he leaves,
just as long as
he comes back.


If we could brush our teeth together
then lay down and spend the night together
our dreams entwining not colliding
then wouldn't that be love.

People R Defective

People r defective
People r defective.

They maybe weren't born that way,
but by the time you meet them
and try to fall in love with them,
they are defective.

You don't notice it at first.
At first, you are taken in by
a twinkle in her eye,
or by the way that she laughs
or by something that lets you know
that this is no ordinary woman.

No ordinary woman.

The next thing you know,
she is telling you
what an asshole her ex-husband is,
how she doesn't have car insurance
and how she is thinking about
killing herself.

People r defective.
People r defective.

Scared I Might Kiss A Man

She's not a gold club girl;
won't take it off for nothing,
so Catholic, she talks to Jesus
every night before she sleeps,
and the first thing in the morning.

Scared I might kiss a man,
and become one, when confronted
with her pussy, I ran.

She's Only Happy

She's only happy
when she's fucking.
When she's not,
she's sucking up to
famous people,

see what makes them tick.

And she liked to black out,
see her picture the following morning
in the papers. It was something
you would abhor, but still something
you would pay to see.

I asked a boy for directions.
He was covered in intentions.
He told me where to go,
but I couldn't see.

She does what she chooses;
sometimes wakes up, doesn't know
where her shoes is.

Soon I Won't Be Able To See

I'm getting high.
I'm getting high.
I'm getting so high
that I can t see
the forest
for the trees,
and I'm going to get


getting high
brings me to my knees.

So get out of my way;
I don't want to hear anything
that you have to say.

I'm living life my way.

I'm getting high.
I'm getting so high,
I'm getting so fucking high
that soon I won t be able
to see.

When Women Scream

She says that
she trembles
when men scream,
and I think
how I tremble
when women scream.

Pretty Punk Girlfriend

You've got your
pretty punk girlfriend.

I've sold out.

I'm everything that
you used to be.
I'm everything that
I used to hate.

Idiots guzzling beer;
what's the message?
There is no message,

Rape your country.
Kill your Indian
Buy a new car.

You've got your
pretty punk girlfriend.
I've sold out.
Your band is the hit
at Dottie's.

She Comes In Circles


They will never be in love again,
in love again,
in love again,

will i ever be in love again,
or will I always quietly despair?

She lends people money.
I will always be in debt.

I felt like an alien in her world,
an interloper,
like the TV was always on
and I couldn't change the channel.

I would never be happy, rich
at vacuum cleaner sales door to door.

If I'm Such A Great Poet

If I'm such a great poet,
why do I feel so lonely,
right now?

Why will I go to sleep alone, tonight,
missing the smell of her hair
and the way she wraps her leg
around mine before we go to sleep?

If I'm such a great poet,
why do I feel so lonely?

Why will I go to sleep
alone tonight?

It might not be over,
but it will never be
the same.

A Woman Who I Can t Put Down

bore me.
bore me.


Most books
bore me.
Most women
bore me.

I'm looking for
a book that I
have to read
from cover to cover.

I'm looking for
a woman
who I can't put down.

words of

i want your lips upon my lips your hands on my hips pulling me closer to your fire i want you to burn me turn me inside out leave no doubt that you have been there everywhere about me on me in me over me under me i want you to smile every time that i walk near you i want your
heart to flutter when i utter to you words of

None Of Us Is Perfect

None of us is perfect,
we can never get exactly
what we want
from words and pictures
on the internet or
from an intriguing smile
at the bowling alley and
or grocery store.

If i have portrayed myself
as a bastion of model mental
health I have lied.

Everybody Works At Walmart

works at Walmart
and they drink
Coca Colas
while watching
Amerikan Idol.

writing by mikel k has appeared in these publications:

the reeve report
lowlife magazine
the atlanta journal constitution
poets artists and madmen
the gsu review
the political dogma
subtle tea

special thanks to

Kevin Ball
G2 Tindle
zero basement
Ivy Scout Ball
Graem Kinsella
Dale W. Miller
Elaine Howard
Mimi and Robin Kirk
Andy Sielaff
Thomas R. Kinsella
David Nihiser
David Barron
Clark Vreeland
David Herrle
Rob Schwarz

most special thanks to
C. Barret

and to My Higher Power who I thank for letting me see the air of a new day breath the air of new day.